Head Office:
Adini (Wholesale Division)
891 Great West Road
Middlesex TW7 5PD UK
Tel: +44 (0)20 8560 2323
Email: sales-support@adinilondon.co.uk
Adini Sales Agents:
London and South East
Helen Groom hgroom6@gmail.com 07986 434346
South West, Wales, Midlands and North West
Nick Sturmey & Joanna Sturmey nsturmey@btinternet.com 07976 700312 joannasturmey@outlook.com 07377 519452
North East
Danny Bailey dbagencies@btopenworld.com 07879 654216
Richard Kaye richardkayeagencies@gmail.com 07825 187574
NI & Ireland
Mike Griffith griffithagencies@me.com 07976 804101