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Installing Microsoft's Office Web Components
In order to view reports from Elite Manager, you need to have Microsoft's Office Web Components installed in your machine and properly configured. If you have MS-Office 2000 or later version, then your machine already has the components installed. In that case please check Configuring the machine to display the reports
If your report screen looks as the below image, with a red cross mark, then you don't have the components installed.
To install the components please naviage to Download Office Web components
Configuring the machine to display the reports
If your screen looks like the below image (with Office Web Components logo in the background and a yellow icon in the windows status bar (left bottom corner), then you need to configure your system by updating the registry. To do this, please follow the below steps.

Save this zipped version or text version file in your system. (To save, right click on the link and select "Save Target As")
Locate the file using file explorer.
Unzip the file.
If you have downloaded the text version, then rename the file as owc.reg. The file icon should now change to an icon with green blocks.
Double click the file (owc.reg) and you will be prompt for a message. Click “Yes”. Click “Ok” for the confirm dialog.
Open an internet explorer. Add your website to the trusted sites list.
To do this, click the green colour globe icon in your internet browser’s status bar (bottom right hand side)
In the dialog that you see click the green colour trusted sites icon and click the “Sites” button
Now add to the list
Close all the internet browsers
Open a new browser and try to view a report.
Please note that if you install any security patches, you may need to execute this file again.